

Yesterday, a bunch of us went to Lübeck! It was really fun, and the weather was MUCH better than in Poland. :D It was gorgeous! (Oh yeah... still need to update about Poland sometime haha. Maybe after this.) It rained a little in the morning, but after that it was amazing!

We met up at the Hoptbahnhof at 7 am. Gross, right? I got up at a quarter to 6. Not my favorite thing ever, but it wasn't all that bad. We had 3.5 hours of train ride between here and there, so it wasn't a big deal. I don't think I slept, but it was still relaxing more or less haha. Everyone was so loud! Americans are like that I've discovered hahaha. But it's all good.

We walked around town, looked at historical stuff and then we were let loose to wander on our own. I was with a group of 4 other girls (myself not included). Michele, Emily, Lauren, and my room mate Rachel. It was pretty fun. :D

We went shopping (though I didn't get anything. I just looked around, but it was fun too!), went to the original Marzipan store (where it was invented!!), and just sort of hung out taking pictures. So without further ado, here are some pictures!

This is the gate into the city. There used to be a wall just inside the river, but it's since been torn down. The gateway was built between 1464 and 1478. So it's old! Haha. It's been up for so long that it's starting to curve and bend inward. I suspect it's because the wall is no longer there to help hold it up. I don't know how well you can tell it's bending from this picture, but it is. Severely. Not so much that it's unsafe though.

We started walking through the streets and we passed the "Theater Figuren Museum." I don't think I need to translate that. :P The whole time I was looking at the dolls in the windows, all I could think of was "Chucky." Fun huh? XD

We went to St. Jacob's church, but didn't go in because we didn't want to pay. It looked just like the churches we saw in Poland (you'll see pictures of it when I get to Poland haha).

After that, we walked back through the smaller, older streets that are pretty much residential now. That was mostly when it was raining so I didn't get many pictures. Here are the two that I did get though!

After that we were set loose to wreck havoc on the city. >:3 Not that we did, but we could have.

One of the best things I saw was this:

Not because of WHAT it was, but just WHERE. I really got a kick out of it. :P

We went to the Marzipan store, but it was WAY crowded and very small, so no pictures. :( Sorry! I bought an assorted box of Marzipan and have yet to try it. Need to save it, you know? Then we got ice cream! I got dunkle shokolade (I think I spelled that right?) Eis, which means dark chocolate. So yummy! Michele got Marzipan flavored o.O She said it was weird but very good.

When we went down by the river and took a bunch of pictures. There was this little play-ground-like thing with spring-loaded benches and things. We jumped off of them >:3 Here are a couple pictures:

This one is of Emily, Michele, and Lauren. I just think it's way cute! Haha. If you click on it you can see their expressions better. :P (Which you can do with all pictures BTW... make bigger, I mean).

Here's one with me in it! I think Rachel took it. Sorry our heads are cut off... As far as timing went, this was the best of them ^^;; Sorry it's not better, but I only had so many to work with.

After that we took some pretty pictures actually down at the river, but my camera battery died so I didn't get as many as I wanted. Oh well. Some of them turned out really well! Here's my favorite:

So left to right: Rachel (my room mate), Lauren, Michele, and Emily. I love that they were all laughing when I took this! It makes their smiles completely legitimate. I don't like forced smiles in pictures, so laughing pictures are my favorites. :3

And just for the fun of it, have a picture of some ducks!

This trip was really fun! We're going out again tomorrow, so more pictures will probably come. Sorry for so many long posts, but there just so much to say! I really love Germany.

So, Bis Morgan I guess. Tschüss!!

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