Today we went to Potsdam, where Friedrich der Große (Fredrick the great) had his castle. The grounds were pretty cool... They reminded me a lot of Versailles. We didn't go inside anything, just stayed in the gardens. Which were MASSIVE, by the way.
So basically, this is another photo post. Yay! We didn't even really leave Berlin, so there's not a ton to say. Basically, the pictures speak for themselves haha.
This was the first of many "boy band" pictures we took. I don't actually have many of them... I don't have the best ones either, sadly. However, this was really fun to do, since we did it multiple times and in multiple places throughout the day.
Left to right: Michele, Lauren, me, Emily.
I like this one a lot. It amuses me. Emily makes me laugh.
This is one of me! Behind me is the Castle of Potsdam itself.
Typical flower shot! Yay!!
Everyone being... ninjas? (Emily, Haley, Michele, Lauren). :D
Clint (sp??) had a very epic pose with his umbrella. I couldn't help but take a picture. :P
Michele, Haley, and Richard all decided to crawl through the hedges. They went through the hedge garden and there was no exit where we were, so they crawled through a hole...
...and through stinging nettle. Obviously not the best plan. Haley got the worst of it. T.T Poor Haley!!! The swelling went down after a while, but yeah.... ick.
After that, we went tree climbing!
Lauren had some trouble ^^;; haha. Though, to be fair, I did too. Not there, but on a different part of the tree. I almost lost my balance twice and the second time I got out of the tree, Richard had to help me down haha. We were lucky he was there to spot us! It was kinda scary since we had to climb a tree-root to get up there. The first time I had no trouble at all, but the second time I did. Oh well :P
We couldn't all go up at once, so we went in groups.
Left to right: Jennifer, Rachel, Richard
It's Michele, the tree-conqueror!!
This one is the best of the three of us. Sadly, I wasn't smiling. The others look cute though! (Michele, Haley, me)
The tree of thinkers :P (Richard, Rachel, Jennifer)
I really love this one of Michele and Haley! :D
I feel like this is a Loriel Hair Product Ad or something haha. Lauren is so pretty!
This one amused me. Richard asked me what I was doing and I told him I was posing for Michele, who had my camera while I was climbing down. She took that opportunity to snap another candid photo haha. She loves doing that :P
Lauren had some issues coming out of the tree ^^;;
Jennifer looked so comfortable! Sleeping in the tree... haha. None of us really wanted to leave, but we did.
Just before we left to return home to Berlin (the city, I mean), we took one more "boy band" posed photo. I really enjoyed this one. :P (Michele, Haley, me, Lauren, Rachel)
Once I get the others we took (though I think there may have only been one more, perhaps two), I'll post it. Sadly, the ones I don't have are my favorites. Oh well. We're working on sharing photos through flickr. It takes FOREVER to upload through there though.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my pictures! Life is continuing as usual. My German is vastly improving, particularly my understanding of it. I've also gotten to the point where I can comfortably speak it with my friends and Dr. Kelling even though I mess up a lot or don't know words. We're all in the same boat pretty much, so it's just good practice.
And guess what! A week from Tuesday? I'll have been here for a whole month!! How crazy is that?! Oh wait!! Tuesday is tomorrow! Whoa!!! Haha.
I love Germany. I think this may be my last study abroad, but I certainly hope it isn't my last time here. I absolutely love it.
Sorry I haven't said much about my life here or my German improvement. Life is basically your every day college student's daily life. I go to school, then museums and historical places for my culture and history class. Then I have the history class in the evening on Thursday as well as religion class. I go shopping, eat, hang out... things I do in the states. So I don't really know what else to say. I hope the pictures are good enough for now. :) There are a lot of them!!
Well, I need to shower and do some homework, then get to bed. So I'll get going for now.
Thanks for reading my blog everyone!
Tschüss! =D
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